Auggie Rose/Beyond Suspicion
I think this is the best film Jeff has done in quite a while. It was a cable release so nobody saw it but I think it would have received good reviews had it gotten more press. It's about a boring insurance saleman named John Nolan (Jeff). Nolan goes out to buy some wine and demands a young man, Auggie Rose, replace a scratched bottle of expensive wine. While going to the back to get it, Auggie is shot and later dies in Nolan's arms. Nolan feel responsible and becomes obsessed with finding out who Auggie was. Turns out, Auggie was in prison and had been corresponding with a girl (Anne Heche). The girl was Auggie's only friend in the world, at least the only one Nolan can find. Nolan feels compelled to tell her about Auggie's death and get sucked deeper and deeper into Auggie's life.
It's one of those movies that kind makes you stop and think. It's a story about examining your life and how one single little event can completely change your outlook. Although, some of the plot lines are a bit unbelievable (one has to wonder why Nolan went to the extreme and the ending made me raise a skeptical eyebrow at the film) somehow it all works anyway. If you can suspend belief for a second and stop saying "this would never happen in real life" it's a wonderful piece and it showcases Jeff's talent more than most of the recent films he's done. This is no "geeky scientist" role. This is Jeff at his best.
It rates:
    (out of 5)